This project aims to combine classical taxonomic methods with modern aspects of biodiversity research, in particular phylogeography (population genetics and DNA barcoding) and ecological modelling in the climatic sensitive region around Iceland. The sampling area is characterised by several local pecularities like submarine ridges (geographical barriers) and influence of different water masses of different origin. This allows the analysis of factors influencing the distribution and migration of species as well as investigation of the background of biogeographic zonation.
The marine environment around the island Iceland with it´s submarine ridges and the complex hydrography showing a high climate change sensivity provides a natural experimental area for ecological studies and for observing the impact of climate change. [more]
The marine environment is inhabited by a huge variety of animals. Most abundant taxa are polychaete worms, crustaceans and bivalves. [more]
Genetic methods are standard in marine science. The limiting factor in retrieving high quality samples for genetic research is depth or fixation. [more]
The IceAGE project is a follow-up project of BIOICE. Aim of the Icelandic project “Benthic Invertebrates Of ICElandic waters – BIOICE” was an inventory of the benthic invertebrate Icelandic fauna. During this project 3670 samples were collected at 1500 stations in depths between 30–3000 m around Iceland. [more]
Senckenberg Research
Under the roof of the Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung (SGN), 6 research institutes and 3 natural history museums in Germany conduct research in bio- and geosciences.